Sweet, salty, and everything in between.
A long-term strategy and a strong place brand provide a solid foundation for the years of development ahead.
Place Branding
Gavlegårdarna i Gävle
Gavlegårdarna in Gävle is developing the Godisfabriken area together with NCC, Peab Bostad AB, Riksbyggen, Pure Housing, K2A, and Gävle Parkeringsservice AB. Located on the former Läkerol site in Brynäs, Godisfabriken is Gävle's most exciting new residential area under construction in the coming years.
The urban development project has entered a new phase, with ongoing construction projects while the district already hosts residents, businesses, and visitors. The assignment was to develop a strategy and communication plan tailored to the current phase of the Godisfabriken urban development project.
We refined the strategy by creating a fusion of two time periods. With Godisfabriken's fascinating past and its equally exciting future, a unique connection between these eras was formed. Past and future are united through communication in the present. We adapted the visual identity and developed a timeless communication concept.
The strategic work was very well received by the client, especially considering the exciting phase the urban development project is currently in. Our work and the strategy provide Gavlegårdarna with a solid foundation to build upon in the years of development ahead.
"We are very pleased with the results of our collaboration with Property Passion. The identity was spot on from the start, especially considering the exciting phase the urban development project is currently in."
Angelica Lindholm – Head of Communications, AB Gavlegårdarna